
Eine Überraschungsparty!

Meine erste Post auf Deutsch! Falls ihr nicht wisst, vor eineinhalb Jahre bin ich sechs Monate in Österreich gewesen. Meine Austausch-Organisation, wie ich früher gesagt habe, ist AFS also ich habe bei einer Gastfamilie gewohnt und bin in die Schule gegangen usw. Meine Gastfamilie war echt super, ich hatte so viel Glück, weil sie urnett und lieb waren. Wir sind immer noch in Kontakt, obwohl es ist ein bisschen unregelmäßig! Als ich in Österreich war, haben meine Gastmutter und ich einen Kuchen zum Silvester gebackt. Er hat so gut geschmeckt und auch hatte viele Kalorien aber es hat auch viel Spaß gemacht, der Kuchen mit meiner Gastmutter zu backen. Also ich wollte einen tollen Kuchen für meinen Freund zum Geburtstag backen und ich habe mich gerne an diesen Kuchen erinnert. Ich hatte schon eine Überraschungsparty vor, also ich dachte, dass dieser Kuchen super dazu passen würde. Ich habe meine Gastmutter eine Email geschickt und sie hat mir den Rezept zurück geschickt. Er ist ziemlich zeitintensiv, aber es lohnt sich wirklich! Meinem Freund hat sowohl die Party als auch der Kuchen ganz gut gefallen und er war sehr überrascht! Hier ist die "Kalorienbombe", wie es von meiner Gastmutter genannt wird.

Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte


4 Eier
10 dag (1 dag = 10g) Streuzucker
10 dag Mehl
1 Teelöffel Backpulver
5 dag Speisestärke
4 Esslöffel Kakao

1/4 l Schlagobers
5 dag Kochschokolade
2 Blatt Gelatine
2 Esslöffel Kirschwasser (= Kirsch-Schnaps oder ein anderer fruchtiger Schnaps geht auch)

40 dag entkerntes Weichselkompott (Weichsel = Sauerkirsche; zur Not geht auch normales Kirschkompott) 2 Esslöffel Speisestärke

2 Esslöffel Kirschwasser

Helle Creme:
1/4 l Schlagobers
2 Blatt Gelatine
1 Esslöffel Kirschwasser 

1/4 l Schlagobers
1 Päckchen Sahnesteif (oder einfach 1 Esslöffel Staubzucker)
1 Esslöffel Kirschwasser
10 dag Kochschokolade

Der Ofen zu 180 Grad vorheizen. Fett eine 22cm Kuchenform ein und dann beböseln. Eier mit einem Handgerät rühren, bis sie dicht und sahnig sind. Das wird 7-8 Minuten dauern. Jetzt der Streuzucker ganz allmählich dazu geben und rühren. Wenn der Zucker gelöst ist, schalt das Handgerät aus. Das Mehl mit dem Backpulver und Kakao dreimal zusammen absieben. Dann in der Eiermischung absieben. Die Mehlmischung zusammen mit der Eiermischung ganz leicht mit einem Spachtel unterziehen. Dann in der Kuchenform eingießen und der Teig ausgeglichen ausbreiten. In dem vorgehitzten Rohr etwa 20-25 Minuten backen.

Ausgeköhlten Tortenboden zweimal waagrecht durchschneiden (geht am besten mit einem festen Faden!). Tortenform wieder zusammensetzen und Rand mit Pergamentpapier gut auskleiden. Den ersten Tortenboden in die Form legen und mit zwei Dritteln der Kirschfüllung belegen. Die Hälfte der Schokocreme über die Kirschfüllung verteilen und glattstreichen. Restliche Kirschfülllung in einem Kreis (etwa mit halbem Radius) auf der Creme anornden. Mit restlicher Schokocreme abdecken und Creme glattstreichen.


1/4 l Schlagobers mit Schokolade aufkochen, glattrühren und kalt stellen. Gelatine einweichen. Kaltes Schokoladenobers mit dem Handrührgerät steif schlagen. Eingeweichte Gelatine nach Vorschrift auflösen und unter die Schokooberscreme rühren. 1/4 l Schlagobers steif schlagen und die Hälfte davon unter die Creme ziehen. Restliches Obers kalt stellen. Zweiten Tortenboden auflegen, mit 2 Esslöffeln Kirschwasser beträufeln und mit der hellen Creme bestreichen. Letzten Tortenboden auflegen und mit 2 Esslöffeln Kirschwasser beträufeln. Einige Stunden im Kühlschrank kalt stellen.

Weichselkompott abseihen und 12 schöne Weichseln für die Verzierung aufheben. 1/8 l Weichselsaft mit Speisestärke und Kirschwasser verrühren und einmal aufkochen lassen. Weichseln einrühren und die Füllung kalt stellen.

Helle Creme:
1/4 l Schlagobers steif schlagen und mit eingeweichter und aufgelöster Gelatine sowie Kirschwasser verrühren. Das kaltgestellte, geschlagene (von der Schokocreme übriggebliebene) Obers unterziehen.

Torte aus der Form lösen und auf eine mit 4 Alufolien-Streifen belegte Tortenplatte heben.
Torte rundum mit Schlagobers bestreichen und mit Schokoraspeln bestreuen.
Tipp: Schokolade gleich direkt über der Torte mit dem Sparschäler (zum Karotten schälen z.B. braucht man ihn) zu Schokoladeraspeln verarbeiten. Die Schokolade sollte dabei Zimmertemperatur haben. Restliches Schlagobers in einen Spritzsack mit großer Sterntülle füllen ( so nennt man den Aufsatz auf dem Spritzsackerl, der als Sternfom oder einfach als Kreisöffnung endet) und 12 große Rosetten im Kreis auf die Torte spritzen. jede Rosette mit einer schönen Kompottweichsel dekorieren.

Auch einige Bilder aus Österreich:

Anna mit ihrem Stück!


When Life Gives You Lemons...

Make lemon meringue pie?

The other day I was making dinner and I decided to make a lemon herb chicken recipe. It actually turned out pretty well, but next time I'd either use thighs or skin-on chicken because the flavour didn't quite get through the whole meat. But anyway, not talking about meat here! So we only had one, slightly gross looking lemon. Or so I thought. Who knew we grow lemons? And there were heaps! They were all ripe, albeit most of the ones on the first tree were on the tiny side, so I went crazy and cut off heaps. That's actually a really good tip too, if you have the space, growing your own lemons/limes or any fruit, vegetable or herb can save a lot of money. You just have to remember to pick the fruit when they're ripe... So then we had a mountain of lemons and one recipe for lemon chicken. Hm... I decided to make it a lemon-themed dinner and try to skip out on a bit of study so I thought I'd make some lemon meringue pie. I'd never made it before and always wanted to and it turned out great! Especially for a first try. The only problem was that I used one of the recipes from Donna Hay off the Internet which used milk. I accidentally didn't watch the pot carefully enough and the bottom kind of burned...

So yeah. Luckily I have a lovely sister with extremely strong arm muscles... Thanks Alex! Mum and I thought that there must be a recipe in the book I had for the shortcrust pastry (Modern Classics 2, Donna Hay) and we were right! It turned out much better this time. Moral of the story-don't burn things. Especially milk. But this recipe uses water so give it a whirl, it tastes yum!

Lemon Meringue Pie

2 cups plain flour
3T caster sugar
150g cold butter, chopped
2-3T iced water

3T cornflour
1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup lemon juice (about 3 normal sized lemons)
2 egg yolks
60g butter

4 egg whites
3/4 cup caster sugar

Preheat the oven to 180°C and grease a 22cm-26cm pie dish well. Process the flour, sugar and butter in a food processor until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. While the motor is still running, add enough iced water to form a smooth dough and process until just combined. (This part can be quite difficult to judge. After 3T my dough was still very dry, so don't worry if you need more iced water, but just be careful and process after each tablespoon.) Knead the dough lightly, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface or between sheets of non-stick baking paper until 2-3mm thick or whatever thickness required to cover your tin. (What I do to get the pastry in is slowly work my hands underneath so that I don't break it, and quickly flip it into the dish. Then you lightly press in the bottom and sides and then work your way around the whole dish, making sure all the crevices are filled and properly pressed in.) Place a piece of non-stick baking paper over the pastry and fill with baking weights or beans or uncooked rice or pasta. (This step is called "baking blind". It means that the pastry won't rise in the middle and be weird.) Bake for 10 minutes, remove the weights and bake for a further 10-20 minutes, or until the pastry is golden. Pour the cooled filling into the pastry and refrigerate for 1 hour or until set. Then spoon the meringue mixture on top of the filled pie and place under a hot grill for 1 minute or until the meringue is set and golden.

Lemon Curd Filling:
Place the cornflour and water in a bowl and whisk until smooth. Place the cornflour mixture, sugar and lemon juice in a small pot over medium-high heat and whisk until the mixture boils, then boil for 5 minutes or until it thickens. Remove from the heat and stir through the egg yolks and butter. Set aside to cool slightly.

Meringue Topping:
Place the egg whites in a bowl and beat until soft peaks form. Add the sugar gradually and beat until the mixture is thick and glossy.

Yum yum!


Cupcakes for Becca and Ashleigh

Becca and Ashleigh are two of Alex's best friends and so naturally we're pretty good friends too. They came over on Friday night and they demanded that I bake them something! I'd been wanting to bake these cupcakes for a while and when I asked them if they wanted these ones, they were very enthusiastic! These cupcakes come from the same blog as the last one, I got the Chocolate Banana Cupcakes and it's really cool. You should take a look at Love and Oil because they do some really cool stuff. So these cupcakes are really awesome because I love churros. It's so unfortunate living in New Zealand and not being able to eat them all the time! I know I could just make some, but I kind of avoid deep frying like the plague... Mainly because it would mess up mum's kitchen... And it's kind of dangerous, but you know! So these are a perfect mix of the churro flavour, with no frying, and then the chocolate dipping sauce. On Love and Oil they use a chocolate whipped cream frosting but you can't easily get meringue powder here, so I decided to use a light buttercream instead. With the Mexican chocolate pudding filling, these are truly amazing cupcakes, so gooood! I mixed the leftover icing with the leftover pudding filling and it was yum pudding. Ashleigh and Becca also enjoyed that! So really, this recipe goes far. Just really bad for you far... Just don't think about the amount of sugar and she'll be right!

This took me about twenty photos in many different types of lighting, so I hope you enjoy the very artistic look!
Cinnamon Chocolate Churro Cupcakes

1 1/4 cups plain flour
2T cornflour
3/4t baking powder
1/2t baking soda
1/2t salt
1t cinnamon
1 cup milk (they use almond milk, but I like real milk)
1t apple cider vinegar (I don't think you used to be able to, but you can get this in New Zealand now, just from average supermarkets)
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup oil
1t vanilla extract

2T cornstarch
1/4 cup sugar
1/8t salt
1/2t cinnamon
1 1/2 cups milk
75-100g chocolate bits
1/2t vanilla extract

175g butter
1 1/2 cups icing sugar, sifted
1 1/2T milk
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1t vanilla bean paste OR
2t vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 180°C and line a muffin tin with cupcake liners. In a large bowl, sift together flour, cornflour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. Stir together milk and vinegar to combine. Whisk in sugar, oil and vanilla. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and pour in the wet ingredients. Mix until relatively smooth. (The batter will be runnier than usual for cupcakes) Fill cupcake liners with about 2T of batter or until 2/3 full. Bake for 18-22 minutes or until lightly brown and a skewer inserted into the middle of one or two cupcakes comes out clean. 

With a small knife cut out cones from the tops of the cupcakes, approximately 3cm in diameter. Cut off most the bottom, leaving just enough to replace the top.

Spoon a heaping teaspoon of filling into each cupcake. Replace the top and press into place.

Pipe on the chocolate icing, taking care to go over all the seams. Then sprinkle with a bit of cinnamon sugar before serving.

Pudding Filling:
Combine the cornflour, sugar, salt and cinnamon in a heatproof bowl. Slowly whisk in the milk, scraping the bottom and the sides with a spatula to incorporate the dry ingredients. Place the bowl over gently simmering water and stir occasionally, scraping the bottom and sides. Use a whisk when needed as lumps may start to form. After 15-20 minutes, when the mixture thickens and coats the back of a spoon, add the chocolate. Continue stirring for about 2-4 minutes or until the pudding is smooth and thickened. Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla. Cover with plastic wrap, gently pressing a layer against the surface before refrigerating (this prevents a skin from forming). Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes and up to 3 days.

Chocolate Icing:
In the bowl of an electric mixer, whip butter for 5-7 minutes on medium speed or until pale and creamy. Add the remaining ingredients and mix on low speed for a minute, until combined, then on medium speed for 3-5 minutes. The icing will be very light, creamy and fluffy.


Cute Cupcakes with Cute Kids

So... More baking with my nanny kids. The little girl is getting really good, she'll be going pro soon! I found this new site, Love and Oil, another blog, which is where I got the recipe from. They do some awesome stuff! I think they are vegan or lactose intolerant or something because they always use different forms of milk and no eggs and not much butter but the cupcakes still turn out great! The banana made them really moist, which is really yummy! We didn't use the frosting recommended in the recipe because there wasn't really enough time, (we just used the butter, cocoa and icing sugar recipe from my other cupcake post) but I would definitely recommend trying it, it looks amazing! I'll post a picture of their ones too. So, another cheap cupcake anyone?

Chocolate Banana Cupcakes

1/2 cup coconut milk (I just used normal and it worked really well)
1/2 cup overripe banana (about 1 banana)
1/3 cup canola oil
1t vanilla extract
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup plain flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder
3/4t baking soda
1/2t baking powder
1/4t salt
1/8t cinnamon

100g butter or margarine, room temperature
1/4 cup overripe banana (about 1/2 banana)
2T cocoa powder
2 1/2-3 cups icing sugar
1t vanilla extract

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line muffin tin with cupcake liners. In a small bowl, mash the banana with a fork. Whisk in the milk, sugar, oil and vanilla extract until incorporated. The mixture will still be a little lumpy because of the banana, but whisk out as many large lumps as you can. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and pour in the banana mixture. Stir until just smooth (do not overmix). Pour into the liners, filling each until about 2/3 full. Bake for 18-20 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean.

Cream butter until smooth and fluffy, 2-3 minutes. Add the banana and mix on high speed until few lumps remain. Add cocoa powder and 1 cup icing sugar and beat until combined. Continue adding icing sugar, a 1/2 cup at a time, mixing well after each addition. Mix in vanilla. Continue beating until light and fluffy, about 3-5 minutes, adding more sugar if necessary. Spread or pipe onto cooled cupcakes and garnish with some leftover banana slices.

Taken from "Love and Oil".


AFS Super Chocolate Cookies

So after my baking marathon of a week I was pretty tired. Then I realised that I still had to do some baking before going to the ballet with Cam because I had an AFS orientation camp that weekend. I was going to make some cupcakes, but then I thought that they wouldn't keep or transport that well, they'd take too long and I was definitely not in a mind space for decorating! So I thought cookies. But I wanted something a little more exciting than my choc chippies that I made earlier in the week so I found this recipe on Martha Stewart's website (I love her recipes!) and adapted it a bit to fit what I wanted to bake. They were a total success! It was awesome just sitting there with the other volunteers as we talked over the activities and shared the cookies around and seeing everyone going, "oh my god these are amazing!" they were just so chocolatey and goooood. If you want a chocolate hit, then these cookies are a life saver. They just taste so good. So make them. Right now.

Awesome Double Chocolate Cookies

1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup Dutch cocoa powder
1/2t baking soda
1/2t salt
230g chocolate bits
115g butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 large eggs
1t vanilla extract
3/4 cup peanut butter chips (this is optional because you can't get them in New Zealand. Dad brought some back from the US so I used them because, well. Peanut butter and chocolate. Need I say more?)

Preheat the oven to 175°C and grease and line two baking trays. Melt half the chocolate and butter in a bowl in the microwave then mix in the sugar. Then add the eggs and the vanilla, beating after each addition. Mix in the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt until combined and then fold in the rest of the chocolate chips and the peanut butter chips. Scoop spoonfuls of the batter onto the prepared trays, placing about 4cm apart. Bake until cookies are flat and surfaces begin to crack, about 13-15 minutes. Enjoy the immense chocolate hit!

My Resignation Biscuits

Last week I had to resign from my old work because I got a new job. While it's very exciting to be starting a new job and I'm really looking forward to it, it is a bit sad to be leaving New World after having been there for about 18 months now. So I thought that I'd make some biscuits for the owner and his wife to say thanks for giving me my first job and all that. I decided to make these slightly different chocolate chip cookies because after I posted the other recipe my nana called me up and said that she uses this recipe now that she got from us and that it's way better! This one has oats, which is why I don't use it all the time, but they are a bit easier to get right and they still taste great. The recipe is from Jo Seagar Cooks.

Chocolate Chip Rolled Oat Biscuits

250g butter
3/4 cup sugar
3T sweetened condensed milk
1/2t vanilla essence
1 1/2 cups rolled oats
1 1/2 cups flour
1t baking powder
1-2 cups chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 170°C and grease and line two baking trays. Beat the butter and sugar with an electric mixer until creamy. Add the condensed milk and beat until pale and smooth. Mix in the vanilla, oats, flour and baking powder, then the chocolate chips. Place spoonfuls of the mixture on the prepared trays and press flat with a wet fork. Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown. Enjoy!

The Very Complicated Cake

About a year ago now, maybe more, my dad's work had a bake-off competition. I baked a red velvet cake and so did another colleague of dad's and unfortunately my cake was a bit dry so he won. Last week, a woman from dad's work was leaving, so we decided to have another bake-off between us to see if I could out bake him this time. I did a trial bake, like any good baker before a competition, and after a rather expensive trip to Moore Wilson's I came out with a good cake but unfortunately not so good icing... We bought Country Goodness cream cheese which turned out to be really awful for cream cheese icing. So don't use it! The only one the works in New Zealand is Philadelphia. So after leaving the icing part a little close to when I had to leave (I wanted to take my trial to an AFS meeting as my potluck dinner item) I had to resort to desperate measure. Thank you Betty Crocker! It still tasted amazing, but extremely hard to finish because the icing was very, very sweet. This is what the failed icing looked like:

See how it's really runny and yellow-y? Gross...
And this is the first cake:

So it all turned out okay in the end. Except, even though you can't see it in the photo, I also had trouble keeping cake crumbs out of the icing. But again, I was in a hurry so I was a bit lazy and just tried to ice the cake as best as I could. The second time, we got Philly cream cheese and I did a bit of research. There's a thing called a crumb coat that you glaze the cake with first, let it dry and then put your own icing on over the top. I'm including directions for how to do a crumb coat in this post. So the second cake turned out really well, it was a little too rounded for my liking... I would suggest cutting the top completely flat and not leaving it a little rounded. But I still won the competition, so it was all okay in the end. :) Here's what the finished product looked like:

And this was my cake with my competition:

This recipe comes from Donna Hay's 10th Birthday Edition and looks very impressive if you google it! It's also very, incredibly expensive, so definitely one only for a very special occasion!

Ultimate Chocolate Layer Cake

3/4 cup Dutch cocoa, sifted
3/4 cup hot water
3/4 cup sour cream
350g butter, softened
2 1/4 cups caster sugar
1T vanilla extract
4 eggs
3 cups plain flour, sifted
1t baking soda

270g butter, softened
1.5kg cream cheese, softened (I know. I'm serious. It's ridiculous but AMAZING!)
3 cups icing sugar, sifted

Preheat oven to 180°C and grease and line 2 x 20cm-round cake tins. Place the cocoa and hot water in a bowl and whisk until smooth. Add the sour cream and whisk to combine. Place the butter, sugar and vanilla in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat for 4 minutes or until pale and creamy. Gradually add the eggs and beat well to combine. Set the mixer to low speed, add the cocoa mixture, flour and baking soda and beat until well combined. Divide the mixture between the prepared cake tins. Bake for 45-55 minutes or until cooked when tested with a skewer. Allow cakes to cool in tins for 10 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack to cool completely. Cut the tops of the cakes to create a flat surface. Slice each cake evenly into 3 horizontal slices. (My dad did this part, and I've included instructions on how you cut even layers) Spread 1 cake layer with cream cheese icing and top with another cake layer. Repeat with remaining layers and more icing, reserving enough icing for the sides and top of the cake. Crumb coat the cake and leave to set for a half hour. Then spread the sides and top of the cake with the remaining icing.

Cream cheese icing:Place half the butter and cream cheese in an electric mixer and beat for 6-10 minutes or until pale and creamy. Add half the icing sugar and beat for a further 6-10 minutes or until pale and fluffy. Repeat with the remaining butter, cream cheese and icing sugar. The reason that you do it in two parts is because it's such a ridiculously huge amount of icing that it won't all fit in the mixer!

Cutting cake layers:To make sure your cake layers are even, it's a good idea to use a ruler to measure the size of each layer. Hold the ruler in place and use a long, serrated knife to make a shallow cut in the side of the cake. Continue to cut around the cake, rotating the cake and moving the ruler along as you go. You can then make the full slice, using the cut as a guide.

Crumb coat:To do a crumb coat you need icing sugar and boiling water to make a thin glaze. For this cake I used 3/4 cup icing sugar and then just added tablespoons of boiling water to make it a glaze consistency. Then you basically ice the cake all over. I did this after putting all the layers together, because I didn't think it mattered as much between the layers. So drop spoonfuls of the glaze on the top, spread it until it covers the whole top and then spread it down the sides. Then to do the sides, what I do it just drop glaze down the sides and spread it with a palette knife until you've completely covered the whole cake. It looks something like this:

Have fun making it and here's one last picture!

Birthday Truffles

So, my boyfriend had his birthday last week and I love birthdays. I love getting people really cool presents and I just love birthdays! I wanted to make his special, even though he was working on the day so I was trying to think of some things I could do. I bought him some cool presents and then I took him out for dinner on Friday. I kind of felt like something was missing in the present department and I kind of felt something homemade/baked but I wasn't sure what... Until I remembered these truffles I found on Martha Stewart's site. I thought they were perfect and he loved them and they were really yummy, so it was a great idea all round! Her recipe made 117 though, so I quartered it for Cam's birthday and then halved it the next time because I did actually end up making them twice, but that's for later...

Chocolate Truffles (makes around 35-40 truffles)

350g bittersweet chocolate, broken into pieces (it's quite important that you choose the right chocolate, definitely no more than 70% cocoa and that makes very rich truffles. I like the Whittaker's dark chocolate but not the Ghana)
100g milk chocolate
1/2 cup + 2T cream
1 vanilla bean, 1t vanilla bean paste or 2t vanilla extract
60g butter

Grease and line a baking sheet/tray and set aside. In a heatproof bowl, set over (but not touching) simmering water, melt 120g bittersweet and 120g milk chocolate together until smooth. Place cream and vanilla bean, paste or extract in a small pot over a medium heat; heat cream until it just comes to a boil. Let it cool until it's around the same temperature as the chocolate mixture. If using a vanilla bean, remove it and throw it away. Take the chocolate mixture off the heat and add to the cream mixture. Mix together, starting from the centre of the mixture and working your way outwards until the mixture is emulsified. Add the butter and mix until well combined. Pour the mixture into the prepared baking sheet/tray and spread it evenly over the tray. Cover with plastic wrap, pressing down gently to prevent the chocolate from forming a skin. Refrigerate at least 2 hours or overnight. Uncover the chocolate mixture and turn out onto a chopping board, removing the baking paper. Using a sharp knife, cut the chocolate into 3cm squares. Reline the baking tray and set aside. Roll each square of chocolate into a ball and place on the prepared baking tray. Your hands will get very messy doing this, you may need to wash them between groups of truffles! Refrigerate for at least an hour. Melt the remaining 130g bittersweet chocolate, this time it could be in the microwave on low, if you want. Martha says to get some of the melted chocolate in your hand, roll the truffle in it and then she rolls them in cocoa. I think this is weird, and we have a chocolate dipper so I just used that, but you could maybe use a spoon or just dip the truffle in the melted chocolate. When they're dipped in the melted chocolate, place back on the baking tray and then back to refrigerate again for at least an hour and store in the fridge until you want to eat them. Which will probably be really quickly. Because they're awesome.

Not very many left! Enjoy, they're way better than store-bought. :)